FalconLink Extensions Documentation
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FalconLink Extensions makes it really easy to add stuff to the proxy.
Here is an example manifest.json:
"version": "1",
"icon": "icon.png",
"id": 123,
"name": "Cool Extension",
"images": [
"script": "index.js"
In this manifest.json, the index.js script will be run. Index.js can access a extension API that allows it to inject content scripts, manage tabs, and more! Here is a basic index.js script that will inject an adblocker:
async function injectAdBlocker() {
const script = await API.getSrcFor("adblocker.js");
const tabs = await API.getAllTabs();
for (var i = 0; i < await tabs.length; i++) {
if (!(await API.isScriptInjected(await script, await tabs[i].id))) {
API.injectScript(await script, await tabs[i].id);
setInterval(injectAdBlocker, 1000);
Content scripts that are injected can also communicate with the main script through message channels. Here is how you can send a message in a content script:
const channel123 = new ExtensionMessageChannel();
Then you can use this code to recieve the message in your main script:
API.onMessageChannelCreate = (channel) => {
channel.onMessage = (message) => {
alert("We have a message!!!: " + message);