How to start developing a FalconLink Extension


  • Make sure you have NodeJS and NPM installed.
apt install npm nodejs
git clone
  • Go to the FalconLink directory
cd FalconLink
  • Install Packages
npm i


Now you are ready to start developing your extension

Click the button below to generate an ID for your extension.


  • Go to the directory public/static/extensions using your IDE of choice.
  • Create a new folder named the extension ID you were just given.
  • Inside that folder create two files, index.js and manifest.json.
  • Put this inside your manifest.json, replacing it with your values:
    "version": "1", //Once we update the library, we will use this to know what version to run an extension with, ensuring backwards compatability. Currently version 1 is newest
    "id": 0, //ID for your extension
    "name": "Extension Name", //I am making a extension that spins your tabs around :P
    "script": "index.js", //The main script that is run in your extension
    "images": [], //List of images for the extension store page
    "icon": "about:blank" //Icon for the extension, if none, put about:blank
  • Inside you index.js file you can put the code for your extension, you can also interact with the proxy's browser using the API commands detailed in the Docs page. For now I will just alert the users that the extension has been started:
alert("Extension Started!");

Running the extension

  • To test out your extension, start the server by running
npm start

This will start a server on port 8080 - Now, go to in your browser

  • Next, open the dev console and type in
new Extension(extensionID) //Replace extensionID with the ID of your extension

Make sure that you replace extensionID with your extensions ID.

  • You should see a alert box that says "Extension Started!" If not Join Our Discord for help

Submitting your extension